Livelihood is necessity

Solutions to livelihood issues need to come from consultation with communities and their custodians and this guides LSI engagement with communities.
Livelihoods Solutions International (LSI) works closely with farmers, pastoralists, hunter gatherers and local communities. We learn from and with men and women that are knowledge holders and custodians of different ways of life in the Horn of Africa Region where we operate. We value their cultural, spiritual, and economic organisations that form the bedrock of their lives. We also respect and value their social and cultural structures that underpin the lifestyles which have sustained them through many generations and continue to do so today. LSI gives much value to understanding what our ally’s fears are that threaten their way of life. We consult with community members to develop solutions to problems they face.
We intend to work with communities and their local government to support them in resolving current and future challenges in their own terms and with a feeling of security and confidence. In our engagement with communities, we are guided by the recognition of Indigenous Peoples and their rights as stipulated in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
Extreme climate is affecting livelihoods in unprecedented ways resulting in drought, flooding, landslides, the decimation of crops and important plants and animals. LSI will strive to share experiences and expertise among communities on how they are adapting to the effects of a changing climate to enable them to cope with climate change encouraging communities to look at climate smart response options to employ against such incidents including documenting calendars of changes in rain patterns as well as mediating and securing from institutions with knowledge resources scientific and reliable climate predictions to alert communities. We will also mediate partnerships between universities and communities as centres of knowledge which we hope will benefit the flow of raw data and the return of processed knowledge based on local knowledge. We will strive to mediate and deliver collaborations based on respect to community custodians and their knowledge especially in spheres of collaboration including food, health, education especially women’s education, clean water and most of all secure land rights.

Clean and safe water  helps  build fit and healthy bodies, thereby reducing time and money lost on medication. People get back and concentrate on work to lift themselves out of poverty. Access to clean water plays a vital roll to break the cycle of poverty in a community.

We strive to find the best balance between food production and preserving natural environment I.e (soil and water conservation, CO2).

We empower farmers and pastoralists through efficient practices to produce more, and better, and provide them with access to markets.
Our projects generate and preserve tangible social value  to the community. 

A Team of Livelihoods Solutions International (LSI) travelled to Garda Woreda, Gamo Zone, (SNNPR), Ethiopia to deliver emergency food aid to worst hit indigenous farmers and pastoralists of Garda, Marta and Maale of the above district that suffered severe drought due to lack of rain during the last three consecutive years prior to the current rainy season losing their livestock’s and crop. The team delivered two hundred and seventy (270) quintals of sorghum at two locations: Garda and Goggale (Garda’s newly formed administrative centre). The donation of food was a gesture of appreciation of their resilience and their determination to continue to live in their territories.