Who we are and what we do

Livelihoods Solutions International (LSI) is a small organization based in London, UK. It was registered with the Charities Commission in 2020 with registration number 1192826. The launch of its activities has been severely affected by the Covid 19 Pandemic and the lockdown thereafter. LSI Chair stayed in Ethiopia for six months implementing a housing project  to support eighteen families that were victims of flooding and landslide. Although this was not a LSI project we have learnt a lesson that can be employed on any natural catastrophe emergency. LSI trustees come from a variety of profession including  higher education in the UK, Charitable work and services involving academic research and service in philanthropic organizations.

LSI focuses on the following activities in the wider Horn of Africa Region:
We deal with indigenous people of the region focussing on cultural diversity and diversity of livelihoods including unique ancient agricultural systems that have sustained through the centuries.
We support highland rangelands management systems and pastoralism.
We support and maintain mountain irrigation systems that nourish mountain pastures.We  support food systems and musical traditions through organizing festivals to celebrate the rich traditions of each community and with a purpose to value and promote received knowledge.
We support the art of crafting local architecture that are known to be superior for their use of sustainable resources for their aesthetic value and for their  cultural value for their connection with agriculture and character of the landscape.
We also support creative crafts in the region with focus especially on costumes making, distribution and marketing in their native areas with outlets in small towns and village markets.

LSI believes in supporting culturally, spiritually and materially vibrant village and mobile camps that recreate interdependence between agricultural, pastoral, agro-pastoral communities and small urban satellite towns.

As a non-profit organisation LSI works across the horn of Africa region to support sustainable livelihoods in meeting challenges that cause poverty and worsen the effect of climate change. We achieve this through self-determined development that is sustainable, real and pays much attention to local solution.  

Wolde Tadesse
30 Silver Road,

Established in 2020

Livelihoods Solutions International (LSI) supports projects in east Africa and acts as a platform for providing the means to maintain and  preserve livelihood mechanisms that are challenged and threatened by climate change and anthropogenic activities.

Our goal is to see communities guarantee basic shelter and food for people and their animals. LSI projects will focus around securing basic necessities to people including enjoying cultural life, education and basic health. We want to build on what is received knowledge of communities. LSI is in the process of designing different projects  to help communities with various activities such as training mother and child care personnel, local veterinary assistants, and first-aid providers for example. There are broader cultural events that are inclusive of wider regions that bring communities around culture, art and food in the form of festivals to celebrate togetherness and friendship between communities.

Your help and assistance with this regard is absolutely vital and we look forward to your support. You can reach us on:-   


Our bank details are:-  Livelihoods Solutions International

Metro Bank, Acc No:- 38637509,

Sort code:- 20-05-80


We aim to invest in real community-self-determined, time tested solutions to meeting current livelihood challenges (paying attention to current and emerging climate change and related  issues that keep surfacing.  We strive to support with simplicity self-sustaining programmes that the public is familiar with and confident of implementing.




We believe that no-one should live in fear that they won’t have a home to shelter themselves and their animals that they won’t have sufficient food in their gardens, plots and animals in cattle camps and rangelands. Our vision is to make life of our communities enjoyable and mobilising them to achieve this in their own terms.



  We respect received knowledge,  governance systems, systems of labour organization, production and exchange. We respect local land tenure, spiritual traditions and the respectful handling of land which is central to local livelihood. Our projects are community owned and implemented. 

Economic Empowerment:-  In our projects, we work with the local community, helping them to take ownership of projects so that they are empowered and able to continue the projects without our help.

Compassion:- We are compassionate about communities we partner with and we provide funds we secure on their behalf to them or to their legal representatives without any form of exchange for the service we provide and regardless of their nationality, geography, ethnicity, religious or political affiliation.  

Trust and Respect:- We promote trust and respect among communities, partners and the people we work with. In our pursuit of a fairer world, we honour hardworking people and their communities that we work with.